
For £20 per year, you can sponsor an animal and help contribute towards their costs and care. This makes an ideal present - either for yourself, or for that 'hard to buy for' relative or friend (Sponsorship shipping to outside of the UK will cost £25 due to extra postage)

In return, you will receive an attractive personalised certificate together with a postcard photo, a special gift and a letter from your animal, giving details about their history.  You will also be sent our quarterly newsletter for a year, which tells you about what's been going on at the sanctuary. You will also be invited to visit your animal to meet them.

Sponsoring an animal is simple. Choose your favourite by clicking on the link below - each is a real character but, if you can't decide, we can chose one for you!

Please allow approximately 10 working days for your sponsorship to arrive (allow extra time for adoptions outside of the UK).  Contact us if you need any help

Hi I’m Arnold, I came to the sanctuary in November 2021. I arrived with my brother Geoffrey. We were rescued from a farmers field by Buttercups Goat Sanctuary and put on the adoption list and thats how we ended up at Maynards. I am quite shy and timid and like to have my own space and if there is mischief to get up to I am usually involved.

Hi I’m Geoffrey the brother of Arnold. I arrived with him in November 2021. We were rescued by Buttercups Goat Sanctuary from a farmers field and put up for adoption. I am quite fiesty and like to be in charge. I am friendly to humans but only when I feel like it. I am always up to mischief with my brother.

Hi i’m Indigo, I arrived at Maynards in June 2021 with my 2 babies, Spirit, Starlight, and, my sister Jenny and her baby Yennifer. We were rescued by Buttercups Goat Sanctuary and after being returned once we finally settled at Maynards. I am always getting up to mischief, I like to escape and see if I can find more food I like to lead all the new goats astray, my favourite naughty act is to run out of the gate when it is open for people to come in.

Hi I’m Dancer I arrived at Maynards in March 2022. I was unable to be looked after by my previous owners and was given a new home here with my 2 brothers, Rudolph and Blitzen and 2 alpacas, Furby and Duke that were also part of our family.I was so scared when I first arrived and liked to bite as I don’t have horns but now I am safe and happy and although still a little nervous I love to be patted and have my neck scratched.

Hi I’m Duke I arrived at Maynards in March 2022 with my brother Furby and goat family. I love to spend time rolling on the ground or spitting at the goats when they try to steal my favourite treats, carrots! I am quite shy and don’t like to be touched but like to be close by and once I learn to trust you I will eat food from your hand.

Hi I’m Furby I arrived at Maynards in March 2022. I came to Maynards with my brother Duke and goat family. I love human company and will also be close by to stare at you but do not like to be touched. I love to play in water in the summer and my favourite treat is carrots. I have beautiful long eyelashes which make me look very elegant.

Hi i’m Gythia I arrived at Maynards in September 2021 with my sister Esme and nephew Fred. I was living at another farm and they couldnt look after us anymore so my new owners rescued me from slaughter. I am the smallest pig and most sociable I love to run and say hi when anyone is near me.

Hi I’m Blitzen I arrived at Maynards in March 2022 with my brother rudolph, sister Dancer and 2 alpacas, Furby and Duke. I am the biggest goat and in charge of everyone. I look scary but I am very affectionate and love strokes on my neck.

Hi my name is Shawn, i arrived at the Sanctuary in May 2021 with my brother Ted and sister Susie. I was living in a back garden as a lamb and then we all got too big so we had to find another home. I love it here because I get so much attention which is my favourite thing. I love people and if you visit me I will run towards you really fast and nearly knock you over just to get you to stroke me.

Hi my name is Jenny I arrived at the Sanctuary in June 2021 with my baby Yennifer and my sister Indigo and her 2 babies Starlight and Spirit. We were rescued by Buttercups Goat Sanctuary and rehomed here at Maynards. I am the oldest goat and very calm and mature. I never get into trouble and try to keep the younger ones in check. I am inseparable from my daughter Yennifer.

Hi I’m Rudolph, I arrived at the Sanctuary in March 2022 with my brother Rudolph and sister Dancer. I am one of the biggest goats but also one of the most affectionate. I love to stand really close by and nuzzle you so you scratch me neck. My worst thing to do is have my hooves cut, I act like its the end of the world but very happy once it is done.

Hi my name is Grace I arrived at the Sanctuary in September 2021 with my sister Honey. I came from an Education centre and had been neglected for quite a while so I was very scared of people. I like to be near people but I do not like to be touched as I am super nervous of humans.

Hi my name is Honey I arrived at the Sanctuary in September 2021 with my sister Grace. We came from an Education centre where we were used to walk with people but had been neglected for a while and were very scared of people. I am really greedy and will steal everyone else’s food. I will allow you to stroke me when I am being fed.

Hi I’m Fred I arrived at the Sanctuary in September 2021 with my mum Esme and aunt Gythia. I am the biggest pig and although I look scary I am very friendly and love a pat.

Hi i’m Toby, I arrived at the sanctuary in April 2023. I am fostered from Buttercups Goat Sanctuary who rescued me from a home that I could not live in anymore. I love strokes and cuddles and hanging around with my pygmy boy gang.

Hi my name is Starlight, my name comes from the star shape on my forehead. I arrived in June 2021, with my mum Indigo and sister Spirit. I follow my mummy everywhere and she leads me into lots of mischief.

Hi I’m Spirit, I arrived at the Sanctuary in June 2021 with my mum Indigo and sister Starlight. I am the naughtiest goat at the Sanctuary if I do not get my own way I will butt whoever I can to get it! When I am chilled I am very friendly and affectionate.

More of our sanctuary family will be available for sponsor very soon………